Welcome to Applied Martial Arts. The values and code of conduct are all outlined below. Applied Martial Arts has a strong ethos, to which I have applied to all challenges I have undertaken throughout my career, and I believe these are what makes for successful martial artists.
Students are expected to learn the meaning of the following 4 values which they should aspire to achieve in all areas of life. These are:
This is the determination to succeed in every task we undertake, whether this be in Martial Arts, football, running, or non sport related activities such as school or music. Determination means having the perseverance to never give up and keeping going no matter how difficult the situation becomes.
This is having the inner strength to stay focused on the task in hand, and not becoming distracted by anything else going on around you, however large these distractions become.
Perfection is never truly achieved, but we should always strive to attain it. If we are passionate about something we continuously work towards it. A technique can always be improved e.g. made smoother, tighter or stronger this can never be perfected but we should never stop trying.
Applied Martial Artists are expected to show Integrity on a daily basis both inside and outside the training area. Strong moral principles and honesty are vital.
If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.